P.A.T.H. is a non-profit coalition of organizations that help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) realize their personal goals for change -- whether by developing their innate heterosexual potential or by embracing a lifestyle as a single, non-sexually active man or woman.
CHOICE: Many people who experience same-sex attractions (SSA) choose not to act on those feelings and not to embrace a homosexual identity. In many cases, they also choose to affirm and develop their heterosexual desires and pursue their dream of raising a family. We respect and affirm their choice.
AWARENESS: We do not seek to impose our viewpoint on anyone, but we work to spread awareness of positive and life-affirming alternatives to same-sex attraction, homosexual identity and homosexual lifestyles.
SELF-DETERMINATION: Clients of counselors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists have the right to determine the course and direction of treatment or counseling they receive relative to SSA and should be made aware of heterosexual-affirmative alternatives. Professional organizations should enhance rather than inhibit the client’s right of self-determination.
TOLERANCE: Individuals who are pursuing heterosexual-affirmative counseling, and those who have transitioned out of the homosexual identity and lifestyle, deserve tolerance and acceptance. Their choices should not subject them to discrimination, ridicule, or marginalization.
POLICY NEUTRALITY: All branches of government should avoid actions or decisions that would inhibit free speech about, or the practice of, heterosexual-affirmative alternatives. Of particular concern are laws regarding hate crimes and sexual orientation that may be construed to make it illegal to promote or even speak about alternatives to homosexuality.
ACCESS TO PUBLIC FORUMS: We claim equal access to public forums to state our viewpoint and to spread awareness of alternatives to same-sex attraction and the homosexual identity and lifestyle. This is particularly vital in cases where public schools address the issue of sexual orientation.
Source: www.pathinfo.org.
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