Monday, June 30, 2008
Gay Live Show Exposed!
Warning: Viewer discretion is advised.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Alabank - a rural bank in Alabang.
Anita Bakery - breadshop
ATM - Automatic Tubig Machine
AristoBACK - a grocery store at the back of Aristocrat Restaurant
Bread Pitt - bakery store
Block Ice Peas - sells ice.
Caintacky Fried Chicken - restaurant in Cainta, Rizal
Chicago Balls - fishball stand
ChikBoy Ka - sells chicken, baboy, and baka
Cinna Von - laundryshop
Cleopata's - sells crispy pata
Common Cents Store - a sari-sari store
Crispy Per Minute - sells crispy pata
Elizabeth Tailoring - garment shop
Fagoofyt - children hair salon
Felix the Cut - hair salon
Goldirocks - gravel and sand shop
Googol - internet shop
H.U. Kayin - deep well drilling services
Hair We Go - hair salon
Jane's Pondahan - pillow case shop?
Marimart - supermarket
Maruya Carey - Makati fastfood place
Mayon Vulcanizing shop
Petal Attraction - flower shop
Rest In A Box - funeral parlor (this one is my favorite! hehe)
Washing Well- laundryshop
But seriously if you are thinking of starting a business check out Entrepinoy Atbp. . It's a great blog with different business ideas and tips to the enterprising peeps.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
An Interview With God

I got this one from a pamphlet I have which I just want to share to inspire us all.
I dreamed I had an interview with God...
"So, would you like to interview me?" God asked. "If you have time," I said. God smiled. "My time is eternity...what questions do you have in mind for me?"
"What surprises you most about humankind?"
God answered. "That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again."
"That they lose their health to make money...and then lose their money to restore their health."
"That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future."
"That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived."
"What are the things that humankind must learn?" I asked.
God answered. "To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved."
"To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others."
"To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness."
"To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them."
"To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least."
"To learn that there are people who love them dearly, but simply do not let them know how to express or show their feelings."
"To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently."
"To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves."
"Thank you for your time." I said humbly. "Is there anything else you'd like your children to know?"
God smiled and said..."Just know that I am always here..."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Three Signs of SSA

SSA is usually recognizable by three signs: (1) a persistent erotic tendency to persons of the same sex [ a temporary or transient attraction is also possible - but SSA and the term homosexual are usually used of an enduring attraction]; (2) an insensitivity to persons of the other sex as far as far as physical attraction is concerned [sometimes the insensitivity extends to the broader psychological order]; (3) a positive distaste for physical relations with persons of the other sex. The first characteristic is found in all persons with SSA, but the second and third characteristics are not found universally. Indeed, from many studies (including Kinsey's) we know there are people who, although "heterosexual," have a more than passing interest in homosexual liaisons; and vice versa, that there are persons with SSA who have had a more than transient attraction to the other sex. Seeing this helps us recognize that in many people, SSA is not an "all or nothing" condition. There are some individuals, moreover, who, in their sexual activity, have been classified as "bisexual," that is, they are drawn physically to persons of their own and the other sex. There is no scientific definition of bisexuality; it is merely a description of behavior. Many who marry, while experiencing mixed tendencies of this kind, run into deep moral and psychological difficulties.
Among adolescents and among persons living for prolonged periods in single-sex circumstances (for example, in prisons or on ships at sea), homosexual activity and transient SSA are common. Ordinarily, however, as adolescents reach psychological maturity and as isolated persons return to sexually mixed company, they are drawn to the opposite sex and are no longer tempted to homsexual acts. Thus it is doubtful that anyone can be identified as "homosexual" in adolescence - one must wait to see what maturity brings. Likewise a person who has been involved in one or several homosexual acts need not conclude that he definitely lacks heterosexual orientation. In itself, homosexual action proves nothing. Still, those drawn even temporarily to homosexual acts need sound moral and spiritual direction, and sometimes psychological care, if they are to avoid self-deception and injury. It is the experience of counselors that people generally deny SSA and, on a deep level, desire to be heterosexual. Even the "liberated" homosexual will admit that, if he (or she) had children, he would not want them to suffer in the same way he does.
(Source: Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice by Fr. John Harvey)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Model Employee

After The Storm

What a horrible way to die! - a slow and painful death. It is one of my primal fear. The thought of myself drowning in the middle of the sea and the sight of a hungry tiger shark circling around you is enough to make me die of terror. It is the kind of death I would not want for myself or for anyone. This makes me think twice about riding a ferryboat in the future and if ever I will have to travel by sea I will bring with me a colorful inflatable floater just in case so I can be seen and rescued immediately. What a paranoid thought. Okay, seriously, I just want to enjoin everyone to pray for the victims of the ill-fated ferry mishap. Tragedies do happen unfortunately and at this moment no amount of pointing fingers and blaming who is responsible will ever bring back the lives of the hundreds still missing until now.
Do you still recall a scene in the Gospel where Christ and His disciples were caught in the middle of a storm and the disciples were all freaking out, afraid that they all might go down with the boat? How about Christ? There he was in a corner of a boat sleeping soundly as a babe. What a contrast! - Christ sleeping in peace amidst the fury of the storm. "Be still", Christ said, and the winds and waves obeyed Him. Ah, how I wish I have the same pacifying effect on the storms going on in my life right now. I wish I have that tremendous amount of faith and conviction that Someone is in total control of all things.
There will always be "storms" in our life - some we can anticipate, others catch us totally unprepared. A storm, no matter how furious and destructive, does not stay for too long. After the dark clouds have been cast away there is always the sun to brighten things up, and no matter what kind of storm we're all going through right now - it will come to pass. It may wear us down physicall but not spiritually.
Be strong.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pinoy Youth Sexuality

Nowadays, it's not surprising to find unplanned pregnancies among teens, rampant promiscuity among the young peeps, and flavored condoms in your son's wallets (thanks to the ad). I think we've got the perfect recipe for such condition to fluorish - sex-crazed media, porn DVDs and mags sold like candy along sidewalks, unrestricted internet access (download K9 Web Filter please - it's for free), lousy values formation in schools, and the worst of all - parental neglect.
Take for example our neighbor here. This girl is only in her teens and sadly a product of a broken and disordered family. She is rebelling against her parents. One day we learned that she's already pregnant - much to the chagrin of her mom who also had the same experience in her youth (like mother like daughter?). As if that wasn't enough, her much younger sister followed suit, so both of them got pregnant at an age where they should still be attending school. Pitiful. I personally think that the parents are blameworthy in this case. Their parents are often at odds with each other and the fighting can sometimes get physical. Result? - a broken home and children rebelling against their parents. Even up to now, I would still hear this poor young lass having verbal confrontations with her mother - for all the people to hear. Sad, very sad.
The Filipino youths are indeed fast catching up with their counterparts in the western world when it comes to sexual permissiveness and promiscuity. Just take a look at these not-so surprising facts from a 2003 study involving 15-24 years old Filipinos which I happened to dig up from a mag I was reading the other night. These figures may have changed by now but nevertheless still quite alarming:
* Four out of ten (38%) young adults are in a live-in arrangement.
* Premarital sex was engaged in by 26% of those surveyed, statistically representing 3.8 M sexually active people.
* Young men showed higher prevalence of premarital sex (35%) than women (19%).
* Eleven percent have had homosexual experiences, of these, 87% are men.
* Rate of same sex relationships in women is 4%.
* Almost half of those who have had same-sex encounters also had commercial sex.
* Nineteen percent paid for sex; 11% were paid to do favors.
* Pinoy males are now willing to marry non-virgins.
(Source: Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study conducted by the U.P. Population Institute and Demography Research and Development Foundation)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Same Sex Attraction: What and Why?

I am going to start a series of articles here pertaining to the topic of same-sex attraction (SSA). All the materials will be lifted out from a booklet entitled Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice by John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S. Although it is expressly stated in the booklet that it is forbidden to reproduce any part of the booklet by any means, I feel that the truth about this very sensitive issue needs to be known by all thus this SSA online series. Rest assured that the source will always be properly documented and mentioned everytime an article is posted here.
It becomes increasingly difficult to pick up a newspaper or watch television without being faced with the fact of homosexuality. Yet as the "gay" lifestyle and the demand for "gay rights" become more prominent, intelligent discussions of the relevant moral and psychological issues seem to be growing scarce - as if no decent person could possibly see anything wrong with homosexual acts or anything distorted in the phenomenon of same-sex attraction.
Amid gay advocacy and political claims about science and ethics, confusion about the nature, origins, dynamics, and morality of homosexual activity is widespread. For this reason I should like to present some basic notions of a psychological and moral nature in this booklet. I shall conclude with a spiritual plan of life for those who deal with same-sex attractions and wish to live chastely.
Definitions and Divisions
Literally, homosexual means "sexual proclivities toward those the same as oneself," while homosexuality refers to "an adult adaptation characterized by sexual behavior between members of the same sex." The emphasis on adult is extremely important. Much of today's rhetoric does not allow for the fact that adolescence is often accompanied by a period of transitional anxiety or confusion about sexual identity. "To lump discussion of homosexual phenomena in teenagers with those occurring in adults is such an appropriate confusion of disparate categories as to render meaningful discourse virtually impossible" (Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse, Homosexuality: A Symbolic Confusion, New York Seabury, 1977, 21-22)
The time has come, however, to refine our use of the term homosexual. A much better term than "homosexual person" is the following: a person with same-sex attractions. The distinction is not merely academic. Instead of referring to "homosexual persons," which implicitly makes homosexuality the defining quality of the people in question, we can put things in clearer perspective by referring to men and women with same-sex attraction. A person, after all, is more than a bundle of sexual inclinations, and our thinking about same-sex attraction (hereafter SSA) is clouded when we start to think of "homosexuals" as a separate kind of human being. "The human person, made in the image and likeness of God, can hardly be adequately described by a reductionist reference to his or her sexual orientation...every person has a fundamental identity: the creature of God and by grace, His child and heir to eternal life" (Letter to Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, " 1986, section 16).
Thus, I avoid the terms gay and lesbian, which make SSA a person's defining trait. These terms, gay and lesbian, are part of a socio-political movement or ideology. Personally, I have come to avoid the term "homosexual person" as well: again, the term labels people according to a sub-rational tendency. Finally, the term orientation should not be used in reference to SSA, since the only genuinely sexual orientation is heterosexual. As Joseph Nicolosi says, there are no homosexuals but only heterosexuals with a homosexual problem.
(Source: Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice by Fr. John Harvey, O.S.F.S. )
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Give Your 101%

From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who says they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
H - A - R - D - W - O - R - K
8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 98%
K - N - O - W - L - E - D - G - E
11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 =96%
A - T - T - I - T - U - D - E
1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100%
then, look how far the love of God will take you:
L - O - V - E - O - F - G - O - D
12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wanted: Perfect Father

I love looking at the picture above. It's actually a sculpture of St. Joseph embracing the Blessed Mother and the Divine Child. Oh, what a perfect portrait of a loving father! - one who is the head and protector of his family. Don't you wish every father in the world is at least a little bit like him?
My dad is not a perfect one. He has his share of shortcomings and faults. Out of my respect for him I'm not going to list them down here. It's a personal thing and I don't think it's a good idea for a son to malign his father even though everything that I write here is anonymous. At this point in my life I don't want to blame him for anything... even for my condition as a person with SSA (same sex attraction). They say that the father plays an important role in the development of homosexuality in a growing child. Any failure on the part of the father to "nurture" his growing son properly or any failure in the part of the male child to "identify and associate" with his father during his growing up years all contribute to the process. I guess there must be some truth to this in my case and I'm still in the process of uncovering the bits and pieces of my past.
On the other hand I'm still very much grateful. I still live with my dad and everyday he never fails in providing for us, although all of us now in the family have their respective jobs. He still cooks our meals every single day and he does it like nobody else can. I'm proud to say that my dad is a great cook, even better than my mom in this respect. He may not be demonstrative in showing his love for us, but I know he loves us and he is doing it in a way he knows best. Yesterday I got a surprise from my dad - he gave me his Nokia 2600 cellphone! Wow, finally, a cellphone with camera and a host of others features that my present cellphone from the Jurassic era does not have. All that I think because I'm the only one who texted him 'Happy Father's Day' last Sunday. Thanks dad for the great gift.
Whenever I see a father walking hand in hand with his child, I can't help myself but stare at them for awhile and ponder a bit. It's picture perfect - a Kodak moment. I love pictures of a dad and kid playing around. If I had a camera I would certainly take shots of them and post them all here in my blog. I believe every child must be given the opportunity to bond with their dad very well, and every father must strive to be the spiritual head of his family - providing not only for the material needs but most importantly the emotional and spiritual - just like St. Joseph. When the right time comes and if it be my destiny, I would like to be a great father too - someone my future spouse and kids would be proud of - someone who may not be "perfect" but devoted and loving.
Belated Happy Father's Day to all dads! May you realize that there is no amount of success that can compensate for failure and brokenness in the home.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Seminar on Homosexuality
The speaker is from Courage Philippines, a support group for persons with same-sex attractions who want to follow the teachings of the Church on chastity.
Please call 9112911 for reservation and more information or reply to me in this blog.
Thank you very much!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Lost In Love
If there is any reason I want to get lost this must be it - love! (LOL) The music icon Air Supply is here in the country to do a series of concerts. I love their brand of music which is the kind of music I miss so much nowadays. So, here is a small tribute to the music that I've grown to love until now. Have a nice weekend.
Lyrics | Lost In Love lyrics
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Right P.A.T.H.

P.A.T.H. is a non-profit coalition of organizations that help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) realize their personal goals for change -- whether by developing their innate heterosexual potential or by embracing a lifestyle as a single, non-sexually active man or woman.
CHOICE: Many people who experience same-sex attractions (SSA) choose not to act on those feelings and not to embrace a homosexual identity. In many cases, they also choose to affirm and develop their heterosexual desires and pursue their dream of raising a family. We respect and affirm their choice.
AWARENESS: We do not seek to impose our viewpoint on anyone, but we work to spread awareness of positive and life-affirming alternatives to same-sex attraction, homosexual identity and homosexual lifestyles.
SELF-DETERMINATION: Clients of counselors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists have the right to determine the course and direction of treatment or counseling they receive relative to SSA and should be made aware of heterosexual-affirmative alternatives. Professional organizations should enhance rather than inhibit the client’s right of self-determination.
TOLERANCE: Individuals who are pursuing heterosexual-affirmative counseling, and those who have transitioned out of the homosexual identity and lifestyle, deserve tolerance and acceptance. Their choices should not subject them to discrimination, ridicule, or marginalization.
POLICY NEUTRALITY: All branches of government should avoid actions or decisions that would inhibit free speech about, or the practice of, heterosexual-affirmative alternatives. Of particular concern are laws regarding hate crimes and sexual orientation that may be construed to make it illegal to promote or even speak about alternatives to homosexuality.
ACCESS TO PUBLIC FORUMS: We claim equal access to public forums to state our viewpoint and to spread awareness of alternatives to same-sex attraction and the homosexual identity and lifestyle. This is particularly vital in cases where public schools address the issue of sexual orientation.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
You've Got Messages
Do you have some nice texts that you cannot delete because they just feel good to read once in awhile or pass around to your new text mates? I just thought why not share them here so I can delete them at last to give way to other messages. In case I need those messages again, I will just copy them here and send it. Some of these text messages have been around for eons already and I want to share them now with you. (Grammar edited for clarity and consistency).
I saw an old painting of two friends holding hands.
I wonder how long it will stay intact?
It is old yet never fading.
I wish we were the painting...
Getting older yet never changing.
People are like stained glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out.
But when darkness sets in,
Their true beauty is revealed
Only if there is light from within.
If you don't go after what you want,
You will never have it.
If you don't ask,
The answer is always no.
If you don't step forward,
You are always in the same place.
Take risks for life goes on...
Love is a noble act of self-giving.
The more you love, the more you lose a part of you.
Yet you don't become less of who you are,
But you end up being complete.
Lately, I have learned that friendship is the best relationship.
We may go separate ways, live different lives, believe in different aspects...
But as long as we believe we are friends, we will forever be.
Eight rules to be happy:
1. Never hate.
2. Don't worry.
3. Live simply.
4. Expect a little.
5. Give a lot.
6. Always smile.
7. Live with love.
8. Best of all be with God.
Do not spoil what you have
By desiring what you do not have;
But remember that what you have right now
Was once among the things
Others hoped for.
Let me share with you a beautiful prayer:
"Lord when I lose hop because my plans have come to nothing,
Help me to remember that your love is always greater than my disappointments,
And your plans for my life is always better than my dreams. Amen."
Beautiful lives don't just happen.
They are made every single day
With much love, prayer, and sacrifice.
The many tasks we face each day can burden and oppress;
But spending time with God each day can bring relief from stress.
Let us be reminded that IN THE END, only three things matter:
How fully you lived,
How deeply you loved,
How gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.
In life, you may feel tired of fighting for the same reason every day.
You may feel that everyone is moving so fast leaving you far behind,
And you may feel that there is no point in moving on...
There is no certainty in life, it is not how fast you get there...
It's how you played the game.
Put in mind that at times it is better to be like a turtle,
Who patiently moves on and enjoys every step of the way
Rather than a rabbit who runs so fast and missing every vital details in life.
Sometimes we must be hurt to grow.
We must fail in so we can know.
We must lose in order to gain.
Some lessons are learned best only through pain.
Sometimes our vision clears only,
After our eyes are washed with tears.
If you want to be happy,
Don't do whatever you like!
Instead, like whatever you do...
Because happiness comes not from having much to live on,
But having much to live for...
Happiness is like peeing in your pants...
Everyone can see it,
But only you can feel the warmth.
I walk and I see lovers.
I turn my head and I see lovers.
I sit on the bench, and beside me are lovers.
An old woman came and asked me,
"Are you contented to sit alone?"
I answered, "I know at the right time
God will send that person to sit beside me forever...
Someone who is worth the wait..."
Life is like posing for pictures,
We pose the way we want to be seen by others
But stolen shots are better...
They capture who we really are.
God's ways are far different from ours.
In Him, we must learn that we must:
and DIE to LIVE
In WEAKNESS, we are made STRONG.
and in EMPTINESS, we are made FULL.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Totally Insane

Taking advantage of the holidays, me, Bro. R., Bro. L, and Bro. D. went to the Priory-Hospice of St. John of God in Igulot Bocaue, Bulacan, an institution that cares for the mentally ill and abandoned under the auspices of the Brothers of Mercy founded by St. John of God. I didn't know what to expect because it's my first time to visit such a place. While on our way, I was quite apprehensive and anxious but since we're in the company of Bro. L who volunteers there, I felt reassured. The hospice is situated in the middle of a farm land accessible only through a tricycle ride from the main thoroughfare. Upon arriving there, a brother greeted us and gave us some info about how the hospice came to be including a short biography of St. John of God which I have only learned from him and through the pamphlets he provided us. Then, he showed us around to the Priory and the Chapel while briefing us what to expect when we come face to face with the patients. The Priory was a place of peace and quiet, disturbed only by the sound of the bell ringing every hour, inviting everyone to pause and pray for a minute. Even the roaming cats are very domesticated and gentle. The small chapel exudes a very pious atmosphere too with chairs similar to the ones being used in monasteries. After the tour and some picture taking, we had a little chat with Bro. Francis. At first I thought he was a priest - he's in his 70s already I think and has been staying here for more than 20 years as a brother. I learned that he hails from Boston, Massachusetts which explains the unique accent I have some difficulty understanding without listening to him very attentively.
Now comes the main event. Bro. L led us to the ward and immediately the patients recognized they have "visitors". "Hi! Ano pangalan mo? Taga saan ka?" (Hi, what's your name and where are you from?) "I'm ______ from Manila" How are you?" The guy answered me and shook my hands tight with a nice smile on his face. "Ako pala si _______, anak ako ni Ninoy Aquino and Risa Santos (By the way, I'm *****, son of Ninoy Aquino and Risa Santos) [Risa Santos who??]Oh, my gosh this is it! Welcome to the Mental Ward! I never knew Ninoy Aquino had an illegitimate child somewhere. This is going to be a great scoop for 'The Buzz' I thought. Moving on, the other guys came forward to greet us. At once we were all surrounded by them, as if we were some movie stars. We were indeed treated as celebrities and they felt so close to us already as if we've been close for some time. They were guys of different age groups - all mixed up. There's a young lad who looked like a high school student. There was Michael (not his real name), a 4-footer blabber and radio-host wannabe who keeps on talking and talking and talking. He was so pleased to have me there he was actually giving me his bracelet with different images of saints printed on it in exchange for my handkerchief. Then there was the "masseur". He looked scary to me but he was quite friendly. He gave me a back massage while I was going around and my finger joints almost got dislocated out of its socket because he pulled each of my finger rather vigorously producing that "popping" sound. Ouch. This was the patient who told Bro. D that he already killed a person somewhere which made him scared to death. "Not me," Bro D later told us, "I still have many dreams to fulfill. That gave us a good laugh afterwards.
The ward is quite spacious with beds arranged very near to each other. In my estimate there are more or less a hundred of them inside, freely roaming around and intermingling, each doing his own antics. I saw that they have an isolation room for those misbehaving inside. There's a TV set for entertainment but very few even bother to watch what is being shown on TV. One peculiar thing that will strike the uninitiated and unfamiliar is the stench emanating from poor hygiene of the patients. Most of them really smell bad although they are bathed every day. Antiperspirants and deodorants are a luxury in this place. I saw one severe case of mental retardation wherein he continually makes a howling sound running around naked, soiled, and very dirty. He's not violent though, but he fills the place with his disturbing noise. I felt for a few seconds I might lose my sanity altogether. Others who are not as severe ceaselessly mutter incomprehensible nonsense. Others were just plainly apathetic and lying down. Some of the patients were sleeping when we arrived, some seated in a corner all by themselves wearing sad faces, oblivious to our presence and those around them. One Chinese-looking guy caught my attention and I approached him. "Bro, how long have you been here?" I asked. "Two years." came his reply. "What is your case and why are you here?" The good natured and unassuming guy smiled at me and replied. "I'm a brother here." Ooops...wrong person! Gosh, it was so embarrassing! That was one of the unforgettable moments I had in that place. I couldn't distinguish the sane persons from the insane persons anymore. I'm really getting demented by now.
I can go on and on narrating everything I saw there, but one thing I also noticed is that some of them seemed quite "normal". We actually had the opportunity to talk to one or two patients there whom we were able to converse without losing our sanity. Quite a relief from the rest of them who kept us on a red alert status because we didn't know what to expect from them. Lunch time came and each of us were assigned a patient to spoon feed. Bro. L assigned me to a well-behaved patient and so finally I had a little peace of mind. My ward was indeed so well behaved he never spoke a word nor smiled at me during the whole time I was feeding him. His only preoccupation was the food that I was feeding him. (Sigh!) After the feeding time, Bro. L toured us some more to the kitchen area, the lavatory, and the backyard where a new building is being constructed for "special children". Goodbye time arrived and by this time, we were all famished so we went to Bro. A's house who served us a satisfying meal of "sinigang na baboy with puso ng saging", and papaya/pineapple for dessert while we were narrating our brief stay with the mentally-ill patients.
Our visit to San Juan de Dios Priory Hospice for the mentally ill patients made me realize how indeed very blessed I am. These patients are just a little bit fortunate than their counterparts in National Center for Mental Health in Mandaluyong because here they are treated humanely and with compassion and respect. Many of the patients inside have never had a visit from their relatives for months, some even years. Many were totally abandoned by their family and relatives and are now only left to the care of the dutiful brothers and volunteers at the hospice. This group of people I think are one of the least fortunate amongst us. They are not only "imprisoned" physically inside, but they themselves are prisoners of their own debilitating and incapacitating disease - what a suffering! Those in the orphanages and nursing homes are a little better off than these people because they at least get visited regularly and still able to live meaningful and productive lives. Even those in prison are far more fortunate than their plight. Except for some nursing students who get to visit them for their academic requirements, very few would dare to go here precisely because of fear, and yet even if they don't have full control of their mental faculties they can appreciate and feel somebody else's presence even for just a few moments. It is a small act of love that means so much to them already. What would become of these people if they're just left to fend for themselves?
I salute the Brothers of Mercy who devote themselves totally to God and to the service of these very underprivileged and unfortunate people. I can't imagine the great love and sacrifice they pour into this ministry that demands so much patience and understanding. The brothers and volunteers who serve in the institution however are very few and they need more selfless individuals who are willing to serve and devote their time to this apostolate. What does it take to be one? - an unconditional love for the least of our brethren and a total surrender of one's life to God. The rich young man of the Gospel wished to be a Companion of Jesus - and Jesus loved him - but he would not leave his possessions so he went away sad. "Will you also go away?"
Those who are interested to visit the hospice or know more about their mission can contact the Brothers of Mercy at (044) 6922365 or (0916) 9252804. You can also e-mail them at
"I saw them so poor and ill-cared for that they broke my heart." - St. John of God.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thought Control

Our article for the week is about Thought Control . Our thoughts become the basis of our actions and the outcome of our actions basically spring from whether we have good thoughts or bad thoughts. Control the thought and you control the action. As easy as it sounds but it can get kind of frustrating. In my case, most of the time, it all begins with a thought - and that thought would lead me to view porn online and then to masturbation. In this article, we learn that stopping or avoiding bad thoughts is not enough - we must replace it with good ones too. Sure it will take time. You don't have to hit it right all the time, you just have to keep it going.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sunday Sermons

It is a great way to gain insight of the weekly Sunday Gospel explained in the light of the teachings of the Church Fathers and the Saints. Personally, I really appreciate this kind of sermon. It's what you and I should hear every Sunday, just like the preachings of the pre-Vatican I priests. Fortunately, we still have those kind of preachers around but they are very few. It is the kind of sermon that will engage your intellect and leave you something to think about. On the other hand, I don't think it is wrong for the preacher or priest to inject some humor during his homily (just don't do it the way a standup comedian does) or his audience might drift away to the emptiness of space. I know this is very challenging to the priests and I symphatize with them especially because our generation has very short attention span, and most people today are in danger of making their brains mere vestigial organs because of misuse and nonuse.
Now, here is my own sermon - It is important for truth to be fully understood first before we can make an intellectual assent of the truths revealed which presupposes the theological virtue of faith. By doing so our free will is illumined and guided by the "thinking" intellect to always do the right thing, thus we reach the other theological virtues - namely hope and then charity - which is the greatest of all the virtues and which we should all aspire to attain. It always boils down to love - love of God first and the rest follows.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Life Is a Beach

Upon arriving at the first beach resort (Abaksa beach resort - hey peeps take note of this beach resort), the guard had a quizzical look on his face. "May babae po ba kayong kasama"? "Wala po, manong." we replied. The guard then just walked a few meters away to talk to someone. We were all surprised at his question too. It turned out that the owner of the beach does not accept an "all-male" visitors - strange isn't it? We just laughed at this incident. Now, that's what you call discrimination. If only that guard knew the truth about us...hehehe.
Anyway, we ended up going to Leonor Beach Resort. It's a black sand beach resort with nice amenities and cottages except for the comfort rooms. They have a swimming pool too. We had a short videoke session while in the beach and it was great! The water was great and so was the food. I observed that the best time to hit the beach is during late afternoon, when the sun is setting on the horizon with cool afternoon breeze and great waves. It was a fun-filled day for all of us, and of course there were some "great sights" to behold that I would rather not talk about (huh!). Why is it that temptations always follow me? - that's all I can say.
We spent the night in Bro. D's house - great food and sing-all-you can videoke bonding moments. The next day we went to Taal Basilica of St. Martin de Tours to attend a Sunday mass. It was one of the oldest stone church I guess in the Philippines. The church facade gives you that "old church" feel because it has not been painted and renovated save for the cross on top of the church. It still has that elevated pulpit inside where the colonial Spanish priests used to preach. There is one such pulpit in San Agustin church in Intramuros, Manila. We also went to a smaller church named Our Lady of Caysasay which is just minutes away from the Taal Basilica. It's my first time to visit both churches and I'm glad I did. There is just so much to know about our history and culture beyond what our history textbooks narrate. It's a different thing to experience and see them firsthand. Good thing we had Bro. R take pictures for us.
I just want to thank the brothers who came. I did not regret taking time off work that day to be with you guys. Thanks to Bro. B for driving us all the way to and from Batangas and for playing the Jed Madela CD on our way back - singing galore in the car!, Bro. J for our short talk/sharing while being tossed by the waves, Bro. D. for accommodating us in his home and the great food, and Bro. R. for painstakingly organizing this summer getaway and for taking photos of us. Thanks for the opportunity to be able to know you more guys. I look forward to being with you again some other time. After all, life is a beach.
Monday, June 2, 2008
On Lust by St. John Mary Vianney

Our reflection for the week is about lust and here I am featuring St. John Mary Vianney catechism on lust. I pray that we all be touched and inspired by the words of this saint. Let me forewarn the reader though that the saint's approach is very direct and straightforward. This is not for the faint of heart and sensitive. His words of admonition should inspire in the person struggling with this vice repentance and hope. Read on:
Lust is the love of the pleasures that are contrary to purity.
No sins, my children, ruin and destroy a soul so quickly as this shameful sin; it snatches us out of the hands of the good God and hurls us like a stone into an abyss of mire and corruption. Once plunged in this mire, we cannot get out, we make a deeper hole in it every day, we sink lower and lower. Then we lose the faith, we laugh at the truths of religion, we no longer see Heaven, we do not fear Hell. O my children! how much are they to be pitied who give way to this passion! How wretched they are! Their soul, which was so beautiful, which attracted the eyes of the good God, over which He leant as one leans over a perfumed rose, has become like a rotten carcass, of which the pestilential door rises even to His throne. . . .
See, my children! Jesus Christ endured patiently, among His Apostles, men who were proud, ambitious, greedy--even one who betrayed Him; but He could not bear the least stain of impurity in any of them; it is of all vices that which He has most in abhorrence: "My Spirit does not dwell in you," the Lord says, "if you are nothing but flesh and corruption. " God gives up the impure to all the wicked inclinations of his heart. He lets him wallow, like the vile swine, in the mire, and does not even let him smell its offensive exhalations. . . . The immodest man is odious to everyone, and is not aware of it. God has set the mark of ignominy on his forehead, and he is not ashamed; he has a face of brass and a heart of bronze; it is in vain you talk to him of honour, of virtue; he is full of arrogance and pride. The eternal truths, death, judgment, Paradise, Hell-nothing terrifies him, nothing can move him. So, my children, of all sins, that of impurity is the most difficult to eradicate. Other sins forge for us chains of iron, but this one makes them of bull's hide, which can be neither broken nor rent; it is a fire, a furnace, which consumes even to the most advanced old age. See those two infamous old men who attempted the purity of the chaste Susannah; they had kept the fire of their youth even till they were decrepit. When the body is worn out with debauchery, when they can no longer satisfy their passions, they supply the place of it, oh, sham! by infamous desires and memories.
With one foot in the grave, they still speak the language of passion, till their last breath; they die as they have lived, impenitent; for what penance can be done by the impure, what sacrifice can be imposed on himself at his death, who during his life has always given way to his passions? Can one at the last moment expect a good confession, a good Communion, from him who has concealed one of these shameful sins, perhaps, from his earliest youth--who has heaped sacrilege on sacrilege? Will the tongue, which has been silent up to this day, be unloosed at the last moment? No, no, my children; God has abandoned him; many sheets of lead already weigh upon him; he will add another, and it will be the last . . .