I just want to share this news article with regard to surfing porn at work. In my last company, I had an officemate who was caught surfing "erotic" websites during work hours. Apparently, he thought he was clever enough to outwit the IT personnel. He was dead wrong. Our boss talked to him immediately and told him to come back the next day and submit a written explanation. He did not report to work from that day on, perhaps out of shame. Morale of the story: Don't forget to clear the history of your visited sites! (just kidding).
When you need to use internet at work for personal use, ask permission from your boss. It's the way to go.
Funny but i think it's really not proper to view those sites when you are at work (especially if it's not part of your job description right? hehehe)because you consume the resources of the company for your pleasure. Hehehe!
Definitely it is not part of our work to surf porn at work. I think companies should install a filtering software in their computers. One free filtering software I know is K9 (www.k9webprotection.com). Thanks for dropping by.
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