Saturday, May 31, 2008
Narnia Mania
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monkish Haircut

I just had my hair cut short the other day - very short, almost bald like the picture you see above. They call it "semikal" short for "semikalbo". I don't know why I decided to have my hair shaved that way considering that summer is almost over. In any case I still like it. My head feels light and cool. My mom actually commented that I looked like some Tibetan Buddisht monk in the Himalayan region. I actually do minus the red-orange vestments that they wear and I love it.
My not so fabulous hairstyle is "in" for these trying times because I get to save on shampoo and conditioner; soaps will do. For now I need not to worry about sticky gels, hair sprays, hair creams, hair conditioners, and err...pomade (courtesy of my uncle). Combs have become next to useless. No more 100 brushstrokes to keep my hair shiny and scalp healthy. I just need to stroke my head with my bare hands (my head actually feels like soft fine bristles of toothbrush). No more drying of wet hair using the electric fan, too (saves me something on electricity). No more falling dandruffs. No head lice. No fleas. No leeches. Nada. With a hair this short, it will take some time before I visit the barber shop again. (saves me bucks) In short, shorter hair means less vanity. There is no need to check on your hair frequently in front of the mirror. I bet you'll see the same thing the same way everytime.
It makes me wonder then why monks sport a bald top. Hmm. Is it part of their ascetical practice? Maybe. A sort of detachment from all things vain and balding? I guess (hair can be a source of vanity, just ask the ladies). Or are they just imitating the one who started it all...Buddha? Perhaps. In any case, having no hair definitely affords them less distraction in contemplating greater things. Men with alopecia (male-pattern baldness) should learn a lesson of detachment from the monks. Sooner or later most men will lose their hair as they grow older. Why worry then? Just leave it to the girls.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Always Be My Baby

I really can't get over this song so I am posting it here now. I just love David Cook's rendition of this song. You can find it as track #9 in my mp3 widget. Enjoy the sound trip.
Lyrics | Always Be My Baby lyrics
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
14 Ways to Shock Your Boss

Here are 14 Ways to Shock Your Boss which I copied word for word while sitting inside a recruitment agency waiting for my friend to get interviewed for some serious "stuff". I showed this list to my friend who just resigned from his work. His comment? - 14 ways to make "sipsip" to your boss. Haha!
1. Show up to work early.
This means you should wake up as early as 5 in the morning to beat the morning traffic and long queues in LRT and MRT stations.
2. Take the initiative to ask questions.
When will I get a raise?
3. Ask for advice, use it, then thank your boss.
Hey sir, how about allowing us to use cellphones inside the cubicle? We'll just put it in a silent mode so nobody will get disturbed.
4. Speak well of your boss behind his or her back.
Hey, you look good in your barong suit matched with jeans and sneakers.
5. When necessary, willingly stay late to finish an important project.
You need to do this some times - having to sleep inside your office that is.
6. Do more than your share of work.
Who told you homeworks are just for students?
7. Be willing to work odd shifts.
10 pm to 7 am? Yeah sure!
8. Every morning, come prepared to work hard.
Oh, I thought I'm working the odd shifts. Now, you're confusing me.
9. Continue to grow professionally.
More seminars, team-building activities, out of town business trips - now this one is fun - at the company's expense.
10. Read whatever you can about your field.
This should give me license to browse the internet at work. You don't expect me to "read" books do you?
11. Suggest new ideas that will save the company time and money.
Please don't take home office supplies for your kids' school needs - that's a lot of savings!
12. Stick around - don't always look for greener pastures.
Huh? Are you kidding me? Isn't job hopping part of professional "growth"?
13. Pray for your boss.
Who among you prays for your boss, raise your hand please.
14. Invite your boss to church.
This one is the most shocking of all the list I suppose. Good heavens! Hallelujah!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Church and SSA

Our topic for this week is about same-sex attraction and the Church. I hope you can find time to listen to Commander Craig's podcast over Catholic Radio 2.0. He is interviewing Fr. Paul Check, the new head of the Courage movement. Fr. Check explains the subject of same-sex attraction and answers questions from the Church's standpoint. He also explains the role of Courage in helping people with SSA to live chaste lives. Commander Craig hosts BlogTalk Radio and apparently also has some struggles with SSA. Interesting. Plus, hear the testimonies of two men who have come to know Courage and how it changed their lives for the better.
P.S.: If you intend to listen to the podcast, please turn off the MP3 player on my blog first coz it plays automatically. Thanks.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Going "Gaga" Over David Archuleta

Although he did not win this season's top plum, he is still my favorite. In fact just now I'm fortunate enough to find a blogger who I think is also a huge fan of David Archuleta. and I copied a list of songs from his blog (Thanks Terrence!) and placed an MP3 widget on my blog for the listening pleasure of my blog visitors. Also included in the MP3 playlist are some of David Cook's songs. On the other hand, David Cook deserves to win though. He's also a great performer, very talented rocker, and mature though a little cocky at times. He's very handsome too. Enjoy the music and have a great weekend!
Friday, May 23, 2008
An Earry Feeling

"You have otitis media on the right and otitis externa on both sides", says my ENT doctor. Oh no not again!
I have been suffering from an ear ache and tenderness for the past two days and it's turning my world upside down. Suddenly, I hear things differently - one side hears a little louder and the other side hears very little sound. It's very upsetting. Not only that, there is that buzzing and ringing sensation inside your ear that is so annoying especially when I go to sleep at night and it is particularly painful when I try to tug my ear. The inflamed ear canal actually reduces the size of the passageway thus giving you a feeling of blocked ears and reduced sound. Whenever I speak, I would hear my voice echoing inside my head. It's really so weird. I use my ears a lot in my work too and I definitely cannot work properly straining my ear like crazy. I know I have to have it checked...again.
This thing has been a recurrent one for me..."OA na" in other words. My ENT doctor counseled me that I should be careful not to let water seep inside my ears or use that damn cotton buds. The cotton buds apparently cause the accumulated cerumen (earwax) inside the ears to be pushed back deeper thus blocking the ear canals and causing me all this trouble. A friend of mine told me the same thing. He said that there is this special cleaning tool available in the pharmacy that I can buy if I have some problems with earwax. Okay, fine. This one is hard for me because cleaning my ears has been part of my personal hygiene. I'm kinda "OC" (obsessive compulsive) when it comes to cleaning my ears and maybe that explains why I have the recurrent ear infections. Otitis media by the way refers to the inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis externa refers to inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal.
After the whole thing was through I felt relieved once again, my hearing sharper than before. The ENT doctor used this small suctioning equipment connected to some kind of motorized machine that enables it to reach the inside of the ear and flush whatever is stuck inside. The doctor wrote me a prescription of some antibiotics and an eardrop. Whew, I'm glad it's all over now. It cost me again quite a sum that I could have used for far better things. That's one thing I don't like about going to the doctor. Now, it's me who pays the bills. Ouch.
If you don't want a visit to your ENT doctor, here are some useful tips on how to properly clean your ears.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
He Cares...Do You?

Before the school year starts, please consider volunteering as a tutor!
It's okay if you can't be there always, just try it once and it will already make a HUGE difference!
The sponsored He Cares students cannot succeed in school without the dedicated volunteer tutors we have had through the years. Many of these kids do not have the privileges and resources other children have. Volunteer as a child tutor today!
The tutoring session is only around 1 hour or so only but we need to relate to the kids first and make them feel at ease.
If you would like to volunteer with a group, simply reply to for updates and schedules or visit He Cares . We usually go on Saturday mornings from 10-12 noon.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Will Your Life Be a Success Story?

I just want to share a positive thought from the book What Will Tomorrow Bring? by Deanna Beisser entitled Will Your Life Be a Success Story? Read on.
I think failure is giving up before you finish. It's having a chance and not taking it. It's telling yourself you can't do it before you even try.
I think failure is not utilizing all your potential and then claiming that you really don't have what it takes. It's selling yourself short and accepting that. It's believing in an outcome before it has happened. It is justifying giving up before you have even tried. Failure comes in all shapes and sizes. It is allowing someone or something to make your decisions for you.
One of the finest lessons in life that you will ever learn is that persistence and endurance are the best friends of success. They go everywhere that success goes. They even hold hands from time to time. They like the same places and they enjoy the same people. They really appreciate someone who is willing to work harder than they have to and who believes that they deserve to be recognized.
So if you are making friends with failure, then you must accept the fact that success won't want to travel around with you, because success likes people who are willing to be themselves and are not afraid of trying something new.
Success left a message
on your answering machine...
It said, "Call me back
as soon as you can."
Monday, May 19, 2008
Masturbation Addiction Help

Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's A Gay, Gay, Gay California

California's top court legalizes gay marriage .
TV host Ellen DeGeneres and former Ally McBeal star Portia de Rossi are getting married.
Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Summer Is Over Now??

This morning I woke up feeling a little cold. I was supposed to get up early to do my morning jog, but when I looked outside the window the sky was gloomy and dark. It was windy and a little rainy. No jogging for me of course. I just went back to my bed, turned on the AM radio for the news (I told you before I listen to AM radio), and curled up hugging my pillow trying to sleep again. It's that lazy feeling you get when the weather is wet and cool. It's when taking a bath in the morning sends down a chilling effect in your spine - literally. Perfect.
This should not be thanks to climate change. Way back a few years ago, May is still a summer month - a time to enjoy the sun, the sand, and the sea. I haven't even been to the beach yet! I want to go to the beach to frolic in the waters without a care in the world, get wet (and wild?), build a bungalow-type wave-proof sand castle far away from the shoreline, collect beautiful sea shells that I can put inside an aquarium, and find Nemo. It's what summer is all about, right? Oh, and one more thing. I want to enjoy the "sights" too (wink!). I'm really looking forward to our group's overnight beach outing at the end of this month in Batangas. It's going to be a fun weekend getaway and great bonding time too with the brothers. At least I've got something to look forward to before the "summer" really ends.
I am about to make an official announcement here. The SUMMER season is extended until the second week of June! Yipeee!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Catechism 101

Most of the devout Catholics and Christians I know are very well versed in the Scripture from Genesis to Revelations. They know fairly well the books that comprise the Old and the New Testaments - the Gospel, the books written by St. Paul and the Apostles, the Pentateuch, the Deuterocanonical books, and some writings of the ancient prophets, etc. They even know the exact chapters and verses of popular Bible passages. Now, that is really something. As for me, the only Bible passages I can recite are John 3:16 and lately Philippians 4:13. Good for these people, but how many of us read the Catechism of the Catholic Church which I think is also important in our spiritual life??
Alas! If you ask these same people to explain the dogma of the Holy Trinity, Hypostatic Union, Transubstantiation, Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, Sacraments and sacramentals, Marian dogma of Immaculate Conception, Veneration of the Saints, Purgatory, Infallibility of the Holy Father on matters of Faith and Morals, etc., etc., how would you expect them to answer you? I am stressing here the importance of knowing our Catholic Faith. We cannot afford to be ignorant of these things and it is our duty to know them through the means available to us.
The good news is these things are available within our reach. If you happen to have a cable subscription, you can tune in to EWTN or FamilyLand. These TV programs are great sources of Christian religious instructions you won't get anywhere else. I suggest that you also grab a copy of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This book is not the 3-inches thick catechism book that your local parish priest reads. It is a concise and reader friendly Catechism book in question and answer type format divided into four chapters - Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, and Prayer.
Lastly, there are radio programs out there about catechisms and religious instruction. Yes, I'm one of those young people who still listen to AM radio stations even when the rest of the people I know only listen to FM stations. Oh, come on don't be silly. AM stations are not only for your old folks. You just need to select the right programs. For those who don't know much about their faith, they can tune in to the Hello Father program of Radyo Veritas 846 KHz from Monday to Friday I think around 9 pm to 11 pm.
For those who are yearning to learn more beyond the basics, tune in to Fr. Odon de Castro's Katesismo ng Simbahang Katolika over DWWW 774 KHz every Thursday and Friday 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. and every Saturday at 9:30 am to 11 am for the sermons of the Great Fathers of the Church. I listen to the latter more often. Fr. Odon explains the catechism Benedictine style. He's not your ordinary preacher or radio evangelist. He is very knowledgable about the teachings of the early Church Fathers, the saints, and especially the teachings of the Magisterium and Pope Benedict XVI. He explains the catechism from this perspective and in a very in-depth way. You can also read his blog or visit Caryana .
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Songs Rediscovered

I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to a dear friend who gifted me a Jed Madela CD (see pic above) out of sheer goodness from his heart. It is really the thought that counts. It got me thinking though why he gave me that CD...Hmmm. I guess he heard it one time while I was listening to my MP4 player (courtesy of my sis). Hah! Although I'm not really a fan of Jed Madela, I like his rendition of The Past, How Can I Fall, Love Always Finds A Way, and The Search Is Over.
The CD contains 17 cuts plus a bonus AVCD with audio tracks. In fairness to Jed, he sings very well and he's got talent. He has a wide vocal range and his own style of singing. For belting out high notes beyond the vocal reach of many of his contemporary singers both male and female, he can give the likes of Sarah Geronimo and Kyla a run for their money. Without exaggeration, this guy I think is the male counterpart of Asia's Songbird. If you let them sing together, be sure to bring something to protect your eardrum from bleeding. "Patayan medley" ito!
Before I go I want to dedicate the song Love Always Finds A Way to my dear friend. May you find the love that you are searching for.
Love always finds a way
When the clouds have
No silver lining
She comes through shining
Love always seeks the light
Jed Madela - Love ... |
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
For Men and Women

Believe it or not.
Woman has Man in it;
Mrs. has Mr. in it;
Female has Male in it;
She has He in it;
Madam has Adam in it;
No wonder men always want to be inside women!
Men were born between the the legs of a woman, yet men spend all their life and time trying to go back between the legs of a woman...
Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now... I never looked at it this way before:
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN?
MENtal illness
MENstrual cramps
MENtal breakdown
When we have REAL trouble, it's a HISterectomy.
Send this to all the women you know to brighten their day.
Send this to all the men just to annoy them...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Accepting Your Self-Image

Our article for the week is about Accepting Your Self-Image and its relationship with our same sex attraction. I personally believe that the image we have of ourselves in our minds manifests as behaviors in our daily life. Here is my favorite passage in the article:
"No two lives are the same. We often compare our lives with those of others, trying to decide whether we are better or worse off, but such comparisons do not help us much. We have to live our life, not someone else’s. We have to hold our own cup. We have to dare to say: ‘This is my life, the life that is given to me, and it is this life that I have to live, as well as I can. My life is unique. Nobody else will ever live it. I have my own history, my own family, my own body, my own character, my own friends, my own way of thinking, speaking and acting-yes, I have my own life to live. No one else has the same challenge." - Henri Nouwen
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Job Hunt

Sundays are also days when I usually buy a copy of the broadsheet Manila Bulletin. It has become a routine for me to look at the Classified Ads section to find out what is going on in the labor market. Scanning through the pages of job ads is exciting for me coz you'll never know what's in store for you. Besides the usual call center ads that occupy almost 50% of the ad space, there are still a number of jobs to choose from both locally and abroad.
This job hunting thing is a concerted effort on my part to leave my comfort zone and to secure a more stable future for me. Besides, I have a yearning to explore different places and be in different situations to broaden my experience and outlook in life. It's not that I do not like my job here. It's just that by doing the same work that you do here, you are better compensated on the other side of the fence - the proverbial greener pasture - and I really think that is not fair. In all honesty, I do not want to leave this country, but the harsh realities of life are too real to ignore. While I do not want to sound pessimistic about it, our living condition is not improving here - just read the news. Need I speak more?
By the way, I just want to share a one-stop website for overseas jobs. Visit WorkAbroad for more details. Happy job hunting!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Face It!

Suggestion? Do you still remember the old Master Eskinol commercial with a punchline "Sikreto ng mga Gwapo" stuff? Well I just bought Master Facial Cleanser and Master Facial Scrub lately. I confess I'm guilty of using my sister's POND's facial wash, Godiva LicoWhite facial wash, and OLAY total effects cleanser from time to time. Talking about how vain can I get...
Normally, I use the facial scrub first and let it sit on my face for a few minutes and then rinse it off. It smells fresh and citrusy and there is the after-cool effect after washing my face. Then, using a piece of cotton, I use the facial cleanser for a more thorough and deep cleaning. Both products have whitening effects too and they don't dry my face. Use it twice a day. I guess I have to say goodbye to my sister's girly skin care products for good. The Master Facial Cleanser and Facial Scrub are affordable and readily available at any Watson's store.
Also, if you have more budget, you can try out Nivea's skin care line for men which obviously cost more but nevertheless effective as well. I'm yet to try those products some time.
Just a word of caution. Before using any products on your face, test it first by applying a small amount on your neck to see if you have itching or allergic reaction to it. Make sure too that the product you are using is dermatologically tested and approved.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Aid To Children

I got this link through one of the comments posted on my blog. This site is similar to FreeRice.Com, but instead of donating rice you donate money.
How does the AIDtoCHILDREN vocabulary game work?
Does all the money generated from the game goes to charity?
Let's all support AIDtoCHILDREN.COM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Flores de Bayot

There is another controversy involving the Church and the gay community that is brewing on the horizon. Barely a month or so from the much-talked about statement of Fr. Dakay of Cebu, the Archbishop of Manila Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales has issued a statement forbidding gays from joining Santacruzan festivities. “It is very disgusting that we see gays as the center of attraction in the Santacruzan, which is supposed to be religious in nature as this is for our love of the Virgin Mary,” He said there would be no problem if gays participated in public activities such as parades, but processions were something intended to be solemn and dignified—not an occasion for showing how truly feminine a man appeared in a female dress. “Sorry but you have to fall in line. The sacred must remain sacred. The procession is religious. (But) what the (parishes) do is organize a parade. That is an insult to the Blessed Mother,” the Cardinal said.
Meanwhile, a bishop defended the good cardinal against accusations that he is anti-homosexual for barring gays from joining the yearly Santacruzan. According to Antipolo Bishop Gabriel Reyes, the Cardinal is just expressing his mind and the church's teaching with regards to this, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Already, there is an uproar and protestations going on in the gay community. Jonas Bagas, secretary general of Ladlad, said that “The Church should be liberal about this,” warning that the cardinal’s remarks might further alienate the gay community from the Church. Ladlad chair Danton Remoto does not think that they (gay participants) intend to make a mockery of the procession, but they are there because they are "true devotees" of the Virgin Mary.” He further commented that some low-income gay participants spend a fortune for gowns they will wear "out of the goodness and love in their hearts for the Virgin Mary.”
I think Cardinal Rosales was right on this matter. He has jurisdiction and the moral authority to determine what is right and proper especially concerning religious matters like Santacruzan. Admittedly, the yearly May festivity has lost its true meaning and purpose as the years went by. There is less solemnity and more frivolity going on. Have we lost the sense of the sacred? Looking at how things go during a sagala in this case, I think we lost it. It seems our friends in the gay community too don't care any less. For them, the sagala has become an avenue for ostentatiously displaying their Rajo Laurel's or Inno Sotto's inspired gowns. It's a perfect time for them to show their tationil whitened skin and silicone-implanted fake breasts complete with handsome escort on the side under the bamboo arches adorned with beautiful flowers amidst a cheering and jeering spectators. Sometimes I wonder if we have run out of beautiful maidens in this country. The gay sagala participants admittedly seem more beautiful and alluring than the "real ladies". They can indeed give the ladies a run for their boyfriends.
Finally, I would like to comment on Remoto's statement that the gay participants do this out of their "goodness and love for the Blessed Mother." I don't really think so. Based on my observation, they do that out of their desire to be seen and admired. They want to be applauded and praised for the beautiful gowns, the fake boobs, and tons of make-up that give them at least a semblance of what it's like being a woman. I don't believe these things they do out of their true reverence for the Blessed Mother. Who knows how to be truly devoted to Our Lady? True devotion to Mary consists first and foremost in avoiding sin and imitating her virtues especially the virtue of purity. I suggest that Danton Remoto grab a copy of St. Louis de Montfort's book "True Devotion to Mary" so that he can be more discerning and careful in issuing foolish statements like that.
Can I make a suggestion here? Maybe the gay participants can take up the role of the consort for a change. That would save them a lot of money from buying their glittery gowns and maybe they would look good at it too, who knows?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Grateful Heart: An Antidote to Lust

"Out of a grateful heart comes a view of life that recognizes that we are not entitled to a life free of problems."
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Surfing Porn at Work

I just want to share this news article with regard to surfing porn at work. In my last company, I had an officemate who was caught surfing "erotic" websites during work hours. Apparently, he thought he was clever enough to outwit the IT personnel. He was dead wrong. Our boss talked to him immediately and told him to come back the next day and submit a written explanation. He did not report to work from that day on, perhaps out of shame. Morale of the story: Don't forget to clear the history of your visited sites! (just kidding).
When you need to use internet at work for personal use, ask permission from your boss. It's the way to go.
Uncomfortable Zone

My wanting to leave home is largely motivated by my desire to become independent. I'm fully aware that times are hard and that many young couples nowadays cannot afford to have a place of their own and due to financial constraint are forced to still cling with their parents. I don't want this kind of thing to happen in my life. Life is hard enough. Don't add more hardships by living with your in-laws. Yikes! honestly, I would rather prefer the solitude of a monastery living in company with monks and hermits than to spend the rest of my life having to live with in-laws. That is hell on earth for me.
This is one giant step for me out of my comfort zones and this time it will be for good. I want to live and start a new life somewhere. I'm getting tired. This is one way I can grow as a person - by expanding my horizons, trying new things, being in an unfamiliar place, and dealing with new people. I pray that it will all come to pass.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Personal Search Engine

This is one cool stuff I received from my e-mail. You can make your personalized search engine bearing your name or whatever. It's very simple. Visit this site and key in your desired name or nickname and it will look like this one . It's very much like Google but only with your name on it and you can change the name anytime.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
St. Joseph the Worker

Today, I would like to pay tribute to St. Joseph, the Workman, by publishing some excerpts from the book Saint Joseph As Seen by Mystics and Historians:
St. Joseph and me

Prayer to St. Joseph the Worker
"Glorious St. Joseph, model of all who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work in the spirit of penance in expiation of my many sins; to work conscientiously by placing love of duty above my inclinations; to gratefully and joyously deem it an honor to employ and to develop by labor the gifts I have received from God, to work methodically, peacefully, and in moderation and patience, without ever shrinking from it through weariness or difficulty to work; above all, with purity of intention and unselfishness, having unceasingly before my eyes death and the account I have to render of time lost, talents unused, good not done, and vain complacency in success, so baneful to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all to imitate thee, O patriarch St. Joseph! This shall be my motto for life and eternity." - Pope Pius IX