I have been using an internet filter for quite some time now and I could say it is very effective in minimizing my exposure to internet pornography. Great job K9! In my case, I have discovered a way around the filter unfortunately. Recently, my PC got reformatted so that means I have to reinstall the internet filter again. This time I know the password! hah! Before, I even invited a friend over to my place so he can install the filter with his set of password. Now, I have yet to find an accountability partner if I ever want to seriously overcome my porn addiction.
Here's the thing. When you install the K9 filter, make sure your buddy will do that for you. He will provide the "password" and both of you must agree to use your buddy's e-mail address during registration. Why? Because if you use your own e-mail address, you can bypass the filter by requesting a temporary password and this will be sent to your e-mail address.
So now you get it. No more cheating this time. Here is where the importance of an accountability partner comes in. It is difficult to do it all by yourself. You need help. I need help. A priest confessor once counseled me that the best filter is the "heart filter". The internet filter he says is fine, but it can only do as much. I agree.
So for those of you who want to install this free antiporn/filtering software, please click on this link: K9 Web Protection
Good bye porn! (fingers crossed)
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