Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Online Dating for Catholics
The other day I was chatting with my "invisible" online friend (I know you are reading my blog from time to time and you know who you are) and during our chatting he mentioned that he still hopes for that right person to come into his life. He is in his late 30s now I guess. Out of the blue, I blurted out the idea of joining Catholic online dating websites. Boom. I got his attention. As I have promised I am featuring it here in my blog. There are many online Catholic dating websites out there but there is this one endorsed by Fr. Benedict Groeschel. It's called AveMariaSingles.Com founded by Anthony Buono.
In this short video, Dr. Patricia Wrona speaks about Catholic dating sites and how these sites can help you find a partner who shares your faith and beliefs.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Healing Touch

Comment #1: It's stuff like this that really pisses me off. This is sheer stupidity, nincompoops! I think it's enough that the church condemns homosexuality and preaching that it is a sin. But to go an extra mile of moralizing people by insinuating that it is kind of a disease which can be cured or some sort of a possessed being being exorcised. It's just these damn moralists which **** up the world. live and let live.
Comment #2: Given the chance that I'd be "touched" (sorry for the lack of appropriate word) by Fr. Suarez, what I'd ask is for him to strengthen my resolve to do good things to others and strengthen my spirituality. I don't have any conflict with my sexuality, in fact, such acceptance allowed me to be in places where I'm needed. If I'd listen closely to my heart here's what it says.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Manhood Without Narcissism

I want to share a wonderful article about manhood. I believe this is something every man should embrace and especially for men with SSA. Please take time to read Manhood Without Narcissism and reflect. Here are some of my favorite passages in the article:
"We grow as men when we see our manhood as something we desire for the sake of others. When we desire manhood so that we can protect and defend, help and serve, provide safety and security for others, we will grow into men. And it is the practice of helping, protecting, and serving that develops our manhood."
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Food Trip

I was malling around the other day when I saw a familiar and appetizing sight - delicious, mouth-watering balls! Hey, it's not what you're thinking dude. I was a little hungry at that time and I could not resist to sink my teeth in this yummy dish. I'm talking about Takoyaki. If you're craving for something Japanese besides sushi and maki, try Takoyaki.
Takoyaki is a popular Japanese dumpling made of diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, konnyaku, and green onion topped with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and fish shavings. It is cooked using a special takoyaki frying pan with small cup-like molds to give it a perfect round shape.
For P22/3 balls at Kuya Chito's Takoyaki stand, it's definitely a treat. When you take a bite of this yummy Japanese snack, the inside is hot as hell. It can sizzle your tongue if you're not careful. But when I'm hungry who cares? I like it "hot" anyway. Get over your usual shomai and fishballs, this one is definitely worth a bite. Oishi!
To have an idea how Takoyaki is prepared, watch this .
Friday, April 25, 2008
Oops I Did It Again!

You see it's not easy to be chaste to oneself. It really needs a lot of self-discipline. I'm writing this to show that "to know" what is right is one thing and "to desire" to do the right thing is another. It seems my problem lies on the "desiring to do the right thing" part, but that's okay. I will just get up and start all over again. I just don't want others to believe that I'm that strong. I do not walk around holding a lily in my hand with an invisible halo on my head.
Thanks to the pop princess for the title of my post.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Deeper Issue
Medical Malpractice
I truly believe that the medical personnel violated this person's right as a patient. What they did to the patient was truly very unethical and shameful. I think they should be reminded of their Hippocratic oath. They committed a serious breach of patient-doctor confidentiality which is part of the code of ethics of all medical practitioners.
The Church's Side
On the other hand, Msgr. Achilles Dakay, spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Cebu believed that the doctors and nurses who had made fun of the patient and uploaded the video of the surgery on YouTube should not be blamed solely for the scandal.
On a radio interview, Msgr. Dakay said, "We are asking everyone not to forget or to bypass the main issue: The wrong act of a guy with another man. People are not talking about what happened before the operation—the homosexual act that was done very badly." The priest further said that homosexual acts were prevalent in the city.
“They are blaming the doctors for what they [did], but I think they should blame the guy for what [he and his partner] did.”
Dakay also said there should be a delineation between homosexuality as an orientation and homosexuality as an act.
“We should sympathize with them because they were born that way and made that way, but if they did what is prohibited, then that is another thing,” he stressed.
The Other Side
In his column, Danton Remoto, a Ladlad gay rights activist pointed out that the main issue was not the homosexual act but the unprofessionalism of the doctors and nurses involved.
"The Catholic Church has the right to affirm its stand on homosexuality, but we will not necessarily listen to it or follow it,” he said over a phone interview. He further labeled those doctors as the ones who are sick, pointing out that the patient suffered sexual and social discrimination.
I have to side with the monsignor's point of view here. The poor guy would not have found himself in this serious predicament had he not picked up a male prostitute. The homosexual person must really learn to differentiate his orientation, which is a condition and not sinful in itself, from his homosexual act, which is a manifestation of grave depravity. I symphatize with the poor guy's fate in as much as he is also a victim here. I believe that the guy has to take personal responsibility for what happened to him, especially if he has willingly put himself into this. The deeper issue goes beyond sexual or social discrimination, Mr. Danton Remoto. The "deeper" issue really is should we tolerate the rampant acts of sexual immorality plaguing our society? Does being "gay" really give a person the "license" to engage in sexual acts contrary to moral law? Just some thoughts to ponder.
If you're wondering why I have no picture above, well, it's censored. My blog is rated PG. =)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Vote for Tubbataha Reef

Hey guys, please vote for Tubbataha Reef as one of our bets to the New Seven Wonders of Nature. Please click here to vote.
Tubbataha is a reef ecosystem made up of two atolls located in the middle of the Sulu Sea. It is a sanctuary for marine life. The reefs lie on the Cagayan Ridge, a line of extinct underwater volcanoes which starts from the north at the Sultana Shoal and ends in the south at the San Miguel Islands. It is located 92 nautical miles southeast of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan and 80 nautical miles southwest of Cagayancillo, the municipality that exercises political jurisdiction over it. It was proclaimed as a National Marine Park on August 11, 1988 and inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1993, in recognition of its outstanding universal value in terms of marine life species diversity and richness.
The name Tubbataha comes from the dialect of the Samal, seafaring people of the Sulu region, and means 'long reef exposed at low tide'. Tubbataha consists of two atolls made up of roughly 10,000 hectares of corals and many other forms of marine life. There is very little land in Tubbataha. Each atoll has just one islet, the highest of which is only two metres above sea level. The atolls have shallow lagoons and are surrounded by 200 to 500 metres of reef flat which ends in a steep drop off into deep water. The reef crests, which mark the atolls' edges, are exposed above the water's surface at low tide.
Tubbataha is well known among the fisher folk of the southern Philippines. It was called 'Gusong' by the islanders of Cagayancillo, literally meaning 'coral reef.' Until the late 1970s, Cagayanons were the primary users of Tubbataha's resources. During the summer months, they would make month-long fishing trips in fleets of locally built wooden sailboats called pangko or balangay.
For most of its existence, Tubbataha's remoteness has been its greatest protector against over exploitation. It is open to the shifting winds that affect the Philippines - the habagat, amihan and daplak which bring rough seas, fierce storms and brief periods of calm. The safest months for travel to Tubbataha are during the summer months, from March to May.
The first recorded visit to Tubbataha was made by naturalist Dean Worcester in 1911. He described the north islet - called Bird Island because of its role as a nesting ground for thousands of seabirds - as 'a low, flat, sandy island…some 400 metres long and 75 metres wide.' Seventy years later, when ornithologist Robert Kennedy visited the island, he noted that it had shrunk in size by almost 70 per cent. Today Bird Island is a mere 23 per cent of the area recorded in 1911, just one indicator of how dynamic the forces of nature are at Tubbataha.
Tubbataha reef is currently at the seventh spot so please keep the votes coming in. =)
(Source: Tubbatahareef.Org)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Porn According to Manoling Morato

Morato responded that he believed there was an exception to the one-breast rule.
"You know I did allow that film with two-breast exposure. I forgot the name of that, it was, I think, Fatal Attraction. But the breasts of that actress, what's her name--"
"Glenn Close, I think," supplied Valdes.
"--were like prunes," Morato said. "They looked dried, like a prune, and it wasn't tempting at all. I allowed it all."
Valdes followed up. "So it's okay to show breasts as long as they're as big as prunes?"
"No, they were dried as prunes. They were regular breasts, but they were not attractive."
On the issue of why Playboy magazine should not be allowed to be published in the Philippines, the respectable congressman commented: "Dapat ba pati kalibugan ng tao pinagkakakitaan?"
Very well said. You're the man!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Chasing Chastity

The Vocation to Chastity
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines chastity as a successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. The virtue of chastity comes under the cardinal virtue of temperance, which seeks to permeate the passions and appetites of the senses with reason. It is a moral virtue, a gift from God, a grace, and a fruit of spiritual effort.
On a more personal level, I have been struggling with chastity issues ever since I was in grade school. Until now it is still one of my biggest struggle. I have addictions to porn and masturbation, although I have made significant progress with how I deal with other people. I haven't had real sex with anybody as far as I can remember for years now, and yet there is still so much work to be done on my part toward reaching chastity. I am yet to learn some lessons in self-mastery and I still need to internalize why I want to be chaste in the first place. I don't want it to be like a useless sacrifice or practice of self-denial that serves no higher purpose. In doing so, I desire to grow in the process and be transformed.
Chastity and Sexual Reorientation
I am going to reveal a very personal view on this issue as I see it. For many people I know who struggle with SSA, majority of them (including me) have some chastity issues and they admit it themselves openly. Many of them also desire to tread the path of sexual reorientation through reparative therapy. I will touch on the subject of reparative therapy in my subsequent posts here. I have nothing against it. It is good and a goal worth seeking. But there is a problem. Those who have gotten themselves into this noble path of sexual orientation are not addressing first the more basic issue, which is consequently a matter of greater importance than sexual reorientation itself, and that basic issue is - CHASTITY. A few things here.
1. Chastity is the greater good.
Sexual reorientation is a complicated process and so does chastity. Both take time and never happen overnight. If one is confronted between a choice of two goods, he must choose the greater good. This is in contrast with choosing between two evils, where one must choose the lesser evil. In this case, chastity is the greater good because it is a moral virtue. Because it is very difficult to undertake two gargantuan tasks at the same time without compromising one or the other, one must choose the task that is of greater and higher importance. Don't you sometimes wonder why Christ included purity of heart as one of the condition to achieve supreme blessedness? Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God. We've heard this passage many times haven't we? Note that Christ attached the reward of the Beatific Vision (seeing God) with being pure at heart. If that is so, then that alone justifies the great value of this virtue among other things.
2. You must be chaste first with yourself before you can be chaste with other people.
A chaste person who enters into a relationship has a great safeguard against falling into temptations of impurity. An unchaste person often brings his unchastity into the relationship thus destroying it in the process. I counseled a guy friend of mine who is having an issue with a fellow guy with SSA that it would be more satisfying for him to know the "soul" of that person than it would be to have sex with him. I believe that if both parties are chaste, the relationship will be more fruitful and meaningful because there is mutual respect, and each does not seek what he can get out of the relationship but what he can give into it. This is the perfect relationship for me - a chaste, emotionally mature relationship. I thank my former counselor for this insight.
3. Learn to call a spade a spade.
Frankly, some people use the term "reparative therapy" as a license to justify their sexual behavior. Stop right there. Homosexual acts are acts of grave depravity and are always intrinsically disordered. A homosexual act, like fornication and adultery, is a grave sin, a mortal sin, just in case one does not know. No amount of reasoning can alter this truth and so it is at this point why cultivating the virtue of chastity all the more becomes apparent. Here is where we cross the line, thus making us not any different from those who practice the gay lifestyle outside of a support group.
4. A chaste homosexual is far better off than an unchaste heterosexual.
Between the two I would choose the former - really, for the condition of homosexuality by itself represents only a cross, a heavy one at that, while being unchaste represents a "grave defect" of character. Chastity must become the solid foundation into which a person's desire towards sexual reorientation should be built, and whether one becomes reoriented in the end or not, the virtue of chastity will make a person grow in his personhood - mature and emotionally stable.
Chastity does not mean abstention from sexual wrong; it means something flaming, like Joan of Arc - G.K. Chesterton
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Who Is Afraid of the Homo?

A few days ago, I received an email in my yahoogroups regarding a gay agenda ad being propagated on the internet. The gay agenda was about raising consciousness on the topic of homophobia with a catchy slogan above saying that "sexual orientation is not a choice". I was alarmed and disgusted by the fact that this group is espousing their belief that being gay is predetermined at birth. I beg to disagree.
I have just finished reading the booklet entitled Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice by Fr. John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S. I would like to quote some relevant texts there pertaining to the above topic particularly on the factors contributing to the formation of the person with SSA (same sex attraction).
Factor#1: An inability of the child to identify with the gender of the same sex parent. It says here that a little boy needs to communicate and identify with his father and a little girl likewise with her mother. Personally, I believe this is one contributing factor to my having an SSA. I failed to establish a solid connection with my father because of so many compounding issues. For one, my father is very athletic in his youth and I am not. It could have been a great bonding moment between me and my father had I been like him in that aspect.
Factor#2: An overweaning relationship with the opposite-sex parent. Being somewhat distant from my father, I gravitated towards my mom especially during my schooldays because she was a gradeschool teacher.
Factor#3: An inability to identify with peers of the same sex during childhood and adolescence. I suggest you read my article "No Girlfriend Since Birth" why I failed to establish connection with my peers.
Factor#4: Emotional abuse (including neglect) or sexual trauma. There might have been some level of emotional abuse that I suffered as I was growing up but I am thankful I was shielded from experiencing any sort of sexual trauma or abuse from anybody. If so, that would have made things worse for me I believe.
Gay Since Birth?
Based on the above explanations, it can be deduced that the SSA condition is not something that begins at birth. Many factors can contribute to its development. The question of genetic factor has always been used by many unscrupulous gay activists in their desire to advance their homosexual agenda. But to date, the studies have been inconclusive and have not been replicated scientifically. Better luck next time.
I believe that much of the homophobia going around are largely brought about by the kind of lifestyle these people are living out rather than their sexual orientation per se. Fear arises because society at large does not understand the gay person. What we can do on this matter is to educate the public about the reality of homosexuality and that is what pro-chastity groups and ex-gay ministries have been doing for quite some time now. There is really nothing to fear as long as you do not give other people a reason to be scared of.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Give A Life

What is Give A Life Foundation?
Give A Life Foundation is a children's charity for the underprivileged sick and dying in the Philippines. The primary goal is to replace and upgrade the equipment used in the pediatric wards. The foundation has also created a new cost-effective and efficient systems for access to medicines, like antibiotics, cancer drugs, medical supplies, disinfectant, and soap for the very poorest cases.
How can I help the poor children?
You can visit their website here for more information. You can also give your gift or donation by calling (+632) 899-1000. Their office is located at 1191 Vito Cruz Ext., Makati City 1200 Philippines. The Give A Life Foundation ensures that 100% of your donation will go to sick children in the pediatric wards in the Philippines.
The sick and dying children need your urgent help. Please help spread the word about the foundation.
When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments: Tenderness for what he is, and respect for what he may become. - Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Maskman the Movie
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Healing Presence

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Best of Five Maskman Series

[The Maskman Fighters (from left to right: Adrian/Blue Mask, Lenard/Black Mask, Commander Sugata/Chokan, Michael Joe/Red Mask, Eloisa/Yellow Mask, and Mary Rose/Pink Mask)]
Belated Thanks!

Friday, April 11, 2008
Law of Universal Gravitation

Let's talk about Physics this time, my favorite subject back in highschool (yikes, nerdie!) The theory of universal gravitation was first formulated in Sir Isaac Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (thanks Wikipedia for this info). Simply put, the theory states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them. Stated algebraically:
F = G ma*mb/r2
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Not Ready Yet
Thanks for this, really. I still have some reservations (as I told you), about meeting up. Ironic, though, because if this were a meeting of a "different" sort, I'd jump on the opportunity in an instant. This just tells me there's a lot more for me to work on.
Please bear with me, though. I did save your number, just so I can text you when I find the inspiration to.
Be well, bro, and God bless.
Perhaps, it is not yet his time. Maybe Anonymous Guy just had some realizations when he read the article I posted in an online forum site and it was not deep enough for him to make a 180 degree turn.
Did I not just post St. Augustine's prayer the other day? "Make me chaste O Lord, but not yet."
How true.
Life Begins at 30

I'm now 30 years old and I'm freaking out really. My mom was the first one to greet me this morning. "Happy Birthday anak!" I just smiled back. Then she added, "Malapit ka na mawala sa kalendaryo!" (Read: It's high time to start your own family now. You are not getting any younger) My sister, who was beside her, quipped, "Naku, 31 ka na kuya!" (Grrrr!)
What a way to start my day. Well, I just shrugged it off and the first thing I did today was to visit a nearby church to attend mass. Birthdays are days of thanksgiving too you know. I think this will be the first and the last time that I will be blogging about my birthday because from now on I refuse to grow old. Yes, you read it right. From now on, I will be forever 30 years old. Period. Hah! You see this is why I don't look forward to birthdays anymore - it makes me insane.
I still remember when I was a kid that birthdays are "privileged" days - meaning just for one day nobody can force me to wash the dishes or run errands outside the house to buy a bottle of toyo just because it is my birthday. It is a custom that we observe in the house. It's that one day in the year when you are exempted from all household chores and of course on top of that I have a brand new shirt, toy, and my favorite snacks. But now, since I'm earning already, I have to buy my own cake. (I just bought a Choco Marjolaine cake from Red Ribbon.) No more gifts and of course no more toys. In fairness though my mom cooked a sumptuous spaghetti for everyone in the house. I think I need to buy some ice cream too later. (sigh)
On my birthday today I just want to be thankful for a lot of things. First, I'm thankful that I'm healthy and my family is intact. I have the basic necessities of life - food, clothing, shelter, and cellphone loads (these things are becoming a little bit of a luxury these days. Not everyone has all these things especially now that times are hard). I am thankful that I have a job that lets me earn money to buy the things I want. (I earn just enough). I'm grateful of the people around me who support me in my struggles and friends I can talk and share my problems with. I thank the Lord for being there always. (though I can't feel His presence most of the time but I know He is there) The list can go on and on. See, there is something to look forward to afterall.
I believe there is much to look forward to. It's a great consolation for me to know that our dear Lord began His ministry when he was 30. He waited this long for Him to do His mission and so all the years that passed by served the purpose of molding Him and preparing Him for His great mission. I would like to think of the same way with me. I believe I also have a mission in life and it is only beginning to unfold now.
I cannot wait to reach 40 to live the life I want...because for me life begins at 30.
Carpe diem!
(P.S.: By the way I forgot to mention my birthday wish - I want a digicam (wink!)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Courage on Sunday Night Live

Those who want to listen to the interview, please click here
Here is a quote mentioned in the interview that reflects our struggle to be chaste:
"Make me chaste O Lord, but not yet". - St. Augustine (Confessions)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Just For Laughs

I just received this e-mail from a friend entitled Funniest Divorce Letter Ever. I had a great laugh. Sometimes we tend to take life too seriously, so here is something that I hope would put a smile on your face.
Dear Wife:
I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it. These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw.
Last week, you came home and didn't even notice that I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal, and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in two minutes, and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don't tell me you love me anymore; you don't want sex or anything that connects us as husband and wife.
Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me anymore; whatever the case, I'm gone.
Your EX-husband
P.S. Don't try to find me. Your SISTER Carla and I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
Dear Ex-Husband -
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It's true that you and I have been married for seven years, although a good man is a far cry from what you've been.
I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping. Too bad that doesn't work.
I did notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the first thing that came to mind was 'You look just like a girl!' Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice, I didn't comment.
And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork seven years ago.
About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, and I prayed that it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed fifty dollars from me that morning.
After all of this, I still loved you and felt that we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for ten million dollars, I quit my job and bought us two tickets to Jamaica . But when I got home you were gone. Everything happens for a reason, I guess.
I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won't get a dime from me. So take care.
Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell and Free!
P.S. I don't know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Jog Your Way to Good Health

I am so blessed to have a place to jog every morning near my place. The place is beside Manila Bay (think of Baywalk) and very spacious. There is a place for aero buffs which are mostly comprised of women of all ages and a few guys too. While it is still dark, I would wake up at the sound of the alarm around 5 a.m. I tell you this is sometimes more difficult for me than the jogging itself! There were days that I have to force myself to get up and don my jogging suit. There was even a time I kept postponing the pesky cellphone alarm only to wake up at 7 in the morning. Fine. Why punish myself in the first place? Well, for a number of reasons.
1. I want to stay healthy and fit. Jogging is the easiest and cheapest way for me to be in shape. I just need a pair of comfortable shoes and shirt (and shorts too) and off I go. Metabolism tends to slow down as we age and although I do not consider myself old at 29, I still want to be fit and healthy for all that it is worth. There are many benefits you can get from jogging. It increases your energy level, tones your muscles especially the legs, relieves stress, and it makes you sweat (definitely) and therefore helps get rid of your body toxins.
2. I want to develop self-discipline. As I have mentioned above, getting up so early in the morning is hard for me especially if I slept late the night before. The self-discipline aspect of jogging not only entails that I jog for 45 to 60 minutes, it also means I have to discipline myself to get enough sleep the night before. It is hard really. Lately, I have been missing my jogging because I do not feel like jogging at all. I know I must resume my routine again and keep going (run, run, run!).
3. I have a sedentary lifestyle. I sit in front of the computer all day long. It has even become longer now that I'm blogging. My only physical exercise is to go to the bathroom everytime nature calls or go down to eat some merienda. Studies prove that a sedentary lifestyle is a MAJOR (take note) risk factor for a host of diseases like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. Scary. I may not be feeling it right now because I am young but if I keep myself like that for a little more time, then it is going to be payback time! Noooooo! (Okay, keep calm. It's not good for your health either).
4. I want to release sexual tension. Being sober for a week without masturbating, I feel a certain kind of tension building up inside my body. I don't know what it is. It's got to be the unreleased semen having a roller coaster ride inside my testicles looking for a way out! (those rats!) I believe that by engaging in any physical activity, it helps me in some way to control the tension buildup. I don't have any solid proof but I feel it is helping me in some way, and so this should be a great reason for me all the more to stay with my jogging routine.
But before anyone of you hit the jogging lane, please take this little piece of advice from me: If you are not sure about your health, consult a doctor first. And please, on your first jogging day, don't do what I did - I jogged for an hour nonstop as if some hungry cheetah was chasing me at full speed, and I ended up being so sore I could hardly walk up or down the stairs without feeling the "ouch". As a result, I was not able to jog for the next five days or so! Remember to warm up and do light stretching a little bit.
Here is a bonus: You get a free dose of the sunshine vitamin every morning. I just love looking at each sunrise. It makes me feel warm inside and it feels so good.
More bonus: You might accidentally find a cute jogging mate (hahaha!) - just kidding. Hey, mind your own business okay? Always have a bottle of water and towel handy.
Free Rice!

What is
FreeRice is a sister site of the world poverty site, The site has two goals namely to provide English vocabulary for free and help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free which is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on the site. If you want to find out more, please visit the FAQ section of FreeRice.

Rice prices are on the rise - globally! If you go around the local markets, you will find out that rice prices have risen to as much as 50%! Oh no, goodbye to commercial rice and hello to NFA rice (or corn?). No more extra rice, too. We all know that many people depend on rice as their staple and if the prices keep going up, the ones who will suffer most are no other than the marginalized and poor among us. To a parent watching his or her child die in their arms from hunger, the rice that we give them is more precious than anything in the world.
We can do something. There is still such a thing as "free lunch" afterall, but only if everyone is willing to care and share. Ask Ms. KC Concepcion (Hi, KC!).
So the $64 question for me is why write about a social issue like this. My $64 dollar answer is that there is a bigger world out there. My struggle is just a piece in a puzzle - a not so tiny one but nevertheless just a single piece. There is so much more I can offer to make the world a better place. Ask Ms. KC Concepcion again. (feeling close?)
Visit FreeRice now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A Ray of Hope

I recently got this private message from a forum reader. This is in connection with the article I have here entitled: Safe Sex Illusion. I posted this very same article in a popular online forum and I was delighted to receive this private message from an anonymous guy. While reading his message I felt his struggle. He finds himself trapped but at the same time is hopeful that one day he will "see the light." Read on.
I am what people in community call "struggling." Problem is, I haven't really owned up to it yet. More than anything, it's actually pride that's keeping me back. I belong to one of those Catholic Christian groups, a semi-active member at that. And yet, "this" is keeping me from really going forward with my personal relationship with God. What is "this," you may ask? For quite a while, I was actually a very passive non-straight. However, over the past 6 months, I've gone down this path of promiscuity that I'm not quite sure I want to reverse.
Truth be told, the hardest thing for me right now is, I don't know what I really want. My community actually has a similar group for "struggling" brothers, but, like I said, I'm not really comfortable outing myself to these people. It's shameful, I know - after all, it's pride that's keeping me from being truthful. And yet, I really can't bring myself to be open about this. I hope one day soon, I'll see the light - but I hope it won't be too late.
With that, can you please keep in the loop with what you guys are doing? While I'm still rational (right now), I want to make sure that I have this lifeline to hold on to. My e-mail addie is (e-mail address withheld by me). Hope it's not too much. And so, I congratulate you, and urge you on for what you've started. Believe you me, the world needs more people like you. You will be in my prayers, and I hope I will be in yours.
Anonymous Guy
I e-mailed this guy already but still waiting for his response. My sincerest prayer goes out to this guy. Many among us are confused and do not know where to go for help. I pray that this guy finds his God-given purpose.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Anne Rice: From Atheism to Catholicism

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Filters Are Not Enough

I have been using an internet filter for quite some time now and I could say it is very effective in minimizing my exposure to internet pornography. Great job K9! In my case, I have discovered a way around the filter unfortunately. Recently, my PC got reformatted so that means I have to reinstall the internet filter again. This time I know the password! hah! Before, I even invited a friend over to my place so he can install the filter with his set of password. Now, I have yet to find an accountability partner if I ever want to seriously overcome my porn addiction.
Here's the thing. When you install the K9 filter, make sure your buddy will do that for you. He will provide the "password" and both of you must agree to use your buddy's e-mail address during registration. Why? Because if you use your own e-mail address, you can bypass the filter by requesting a temporary password and this will be sent to your e-mail address.
So now you get it. No more cheating this time. Here is where the importance of an accountability partner comes in. It is difficult to do it all by yourself. You need help. I need help. A priest confessor once counseled me that the best filter is the "heart filter". The internet filter he says is fine, but it can only do as much. I agree.
So for those of you who want to install this free antiporn/filtering software, please click on this link: K9 Web Protection
Good bye porn! (fingers crossed)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Maskman my Immortal
On the flip side I have a huge crush on Lenard/Kenta (Black Mask). He was this studly guy and "chickboy" type character. I also like Michael Joe/Takeru (Red Mask) as well. Kenta is lighthearted but tough. Takeru is the usual and ever dependable protector of his teammates. Both of them got good looks and appeal. This video is about their love interests, which I believe made Maskman not just an action-packed sentai flick.
This video is for all people who grew up in the 80's era and particularly to all Maskman fans. Enjoy watching the video.
Aura Mask!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Decision to Heal
Ever since his decision to reclaim his manhood more than six years ago, Ansel Beluso never again looked back to the rabidly active homosexual lifestyle he once led. In that colorfully gay world of show business, he started out as a movie reporter and, later, a writer-director-host of local television's top rating showbiz-oriented talk shows in the 80s and 90s. For five years, he totally uprooted himself from the biz and he poured himself into rebuilding his broken relationship with God in the bosom of Couples for Christ, a global family renewal community for which he worked as a full-time pastoral worker and missionary. Here are some of the insights that I picked up from his interview:
Interviewer: Many Christian homosexuals desire to change but, according to them, it is impossible. But cases such as yours provide hope and inspiration. How did you do it?
Ansel: I think the Christian homosexual should desire not change but healing. Change usually implies turning from homosexuality to heterosexuality, but healing means journeying from sinfulness to a life with God.
Interviewer: How does the process of transformation begin?
Ansel: The decision to step out of homosexuality must grow from a sincere desire to follow God founded on the belief that His way is not only the best way but the only way to reach one's potential and be genuinely happy. I mention this because there are those whose decision to give up the gay lifestyle is influenced by considerations other than true repentance. They usually end up more gay, more sinful and, therefore, more miserable than ever before.
Interviewer: Any last words?
Ansel: To the homosexuals who see nothing wrong with the lifestyle they pursue, I have only the highest respect for the choice and decision you have made with your life. I just hope you can also find it in you to similarly respect the choice and decision of those who seek a different path.To the Christian homosexuals desiring change, believe that God has sown in you the seed of renewal and restoration. There is hope. Believe you can do it by the grace of the Lord. And know that when you seek God with all your heart. He Himself will give you the grace to find Him.